NCIAVHR Delivers its 11th Report to the Presidential Leadership Council President

NCIAVHR Delivers its 11th Report to the Presidential Leadership Council President

Monday, September 4, 2023

His Excellency Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Aleemi, President of the Presidential Council, received today, Monday, at Al-Maashiq Palace, the National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights (NCIAVHR), headed by Judge Ahmed Saeed Al-Maflehi, who handed him a copy of the 11th report of the Commission.

The President of the Presidential Council listened to a comprehensive briefing from the President and members of the Commission on the Commission’s activities during the period from August 2022 to July 2023 in the areas of documentation, investigation, referral to the judiciary, inspection of prisons and detention centers, and sites where civilian casualties occurred, in addition to the necessary facilitations to fulfill its duties under relevant national and international laws.

During the meeting, Mr. Al-Aleemi congratulated the Chairman and members of the Commission on the extension of their term for two years, according to the recent presidential decree. He also praised the significant efforts carried out by the Commission for Investigating Allegations of Human Rights Violations in various governorates, including documenting these violations and reaching out to their victims. He affirmed the commitment of the Presidential Council and the government to provide necessary support in this context, including strengthening human rights, security, and judicial institutions to ensure the enforcement of human rights and the law.

In the meeting, His Excellency the President directed the government and the concerned authorities to facilitate the work of the Commission and the movement of its monitors and to deal responsibly with the incidents included in its reports, as it is the agreed-upon national mechanism and reference as a local and international partner in completing professional, impartial and reliable investigations.
The meeting was attended by Director of the Office of the Presidency of the Republic, Dr. Yahya Al-Shuaibi.