The UNHRC in Geneva Unanimously Adopts the Continued Support for NCIAVHR in Yemen and Urges all parties to Faciliate its Tasks

The UNHRC in Geneva Unanimously Adopts the Continued Support for NCIAVHR in Yemen and Urges all parties to Faciliate its Tasks

October 12, 2023

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), in its 54th session, adopted by consensus draft resolution A/HRC/L.28/54 on the continued support for the National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights (NCIAVHR). It urged all parties to the conflict in Yemen to cooperate with the Commission and facilitate its work in monitoring, documenting, and investigating all committed violations in all areas of Yemen, and to facilitate its access to information in a complete and transparent manner.

The Council referred in its resolution to the 11th periodic report issued by the National Commission, which covers its work from August 1, 2022, to July 30, 2023. The Council appreciated the Commission’s efforts despite all the challenges it faced and its achievements in the field of investigations and regular field visits to prisons, detention centers, and sites of violations throughout Yemen, and consultations held with civil society organizations.

The resolution called on the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to continue providing all necessary technical and logistical support to the Commission, equivalent to what is provided to any similar international investigative committee, in order to enable it to continue investigating violations and fulfilling its tasks. It also requested the High Commissioner to submit a report to the Council in its fifty-seventh session on the implementation of the support provided to the Commission according to the resolution.