2,997 Violations in Yemen Documented in NCIAVHR’s 11th Periodic Report

2,997 Violations in Yemen Documented in NCIAVHR’s 11th Periodic Report


Tuesday, september 05, 2023
The National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights (NCIAVHR) released its eleventh periodic report today, Tuesday, on its monitoring, documentation, and investigation activities from August 2022 to July 2023.
The report documented (2,997) incidents of alleged violations in various governorates of the Yemeni Republic, distributed among over (31) types of human rights violations, resulting in (3,287) victims of both genders.
The report indicated that with these statistics, the total number of violations monitored and documented by the Commission during its work period from January 2016 to the date of this report was (25,511) incidents of violations, with a total of (48866) victims.
The Commission stated that during this period, it listened to more than (11,988) witnesses, informants, and victims, and reviewed about (17,982) documents. It also reviewed and analyzed hundreds of photographs and video clips related to the violations, which were worked on and stored in the Commission’s database.
The periodic report of the Commission presented the findings of the investigations it conducted regarding international humanitarian law and international human rights law.
During the period covered by the report, the total number of incidents monitored and investigated by the Commission was (782) incidents of killing and injury to civilians, resulting in (288) deaths, including (21) women, (48) children, and (657) injuries, including (151) children and (52) women.
The responsibility for this violation was distributed among the parties to the armed conflict, with (217) deaths and (502) injuries attributed to the Houthi group, while (55) deaths and (96) injuries were caused by airstrikes by the Arab coalition and government forces.
During the same period, the Commission was able to monitor (117) allegations of child recruitment under the age of (18), including (116) incidents for which the responsibility lies with the Houthi group, and (1) incident for which the responsibility lies with the government and affiliated entities.
The Commission also concluded its monitoring and investigation of (161) incidents of anti-personnel mine explosions, resulting in (55) deaths, including (3) women and (11) children, as well as (124) injuries, including (6) women and (26) children, all of which were attributed to the Houthi group.
The periodic report also highlighted the Commission’s monitoring and investigation of (23) incidents involving allegations of assault and damage to cultural and historical properties in several regions, including Al-Hodeida. (18) of these incidents were found to be the responsibility of the Houthi group, while the responsibility for (3) incidents was attributed to the National Army forces affiliated with the government and the Arab coalition airstrikes, and (2) incidents were found to be jointly responsible by the Houthi group and government forces.
The report also clarified that the Commission had completed monitoring and investigation into (6) incidents of targeting civilian objects and medical personnel in several areas, including (4) incidents for which the responsibility lies with the Houthi group, while the responsibility was jointly attributed to the National Army forces affiliated with the government and the Arab coalition airstrikes in (2) incidents.
During the period covered by the report, the Commission concluded its investigation into (66) incidents of forced collective and individual displacement in various areas of Yemen, including (52) incidents for which the responsibility lies with the Houthi group, and (14) cases for which the responsibility is jointly shared by government forces and the Houthi group.
The report of the Commission also presented the results of the investigation into violations related to international human rights law, as it concluded its investigation into (76) incidents of extrajudicial killings committed by parties in various regions of the Yemeni Republic, with the responsibility attributed to the Houthi group in (35) incidents, while government forces and security entities were held responsible for (15) incidents.
Furthermore, during the reporting period, the Commission was able to monitor and investigate (689) incidents of arbitrary detention and enforced disappearances carried out by various parties in all regions of the Yemeni Republic, with the responsibility attributed to the Houthi group in (516) incidents, while government forces and security entities were held responsible for (152) incidents.
During the reporting period, the Commission monitored and investigated (20) incidents of torture, inhuman, and degrading treatment carried out by various parties in different regions of Yemen. The responsibility for (15) incidents of torture was attributed to the Houthi group, while government forces and security entities were held responsible for (3) incidents, and other parties were responsible for (2) incidents.
The report also highlighted the violations related to house bombings, as the Commission monitored and investigated (20) incidents of house bombings. It should be noted that this type of violation is solely carried out by the Houthi group, as indicated in the investigation results provided in the report.
The Commission concluded its investigation into (6) incidents of violations of freedom of opinion and expression, carried out by various parties in different regions of Yemen. The responsibility for (3) incidents was attributed to the Houthi group, while government forces and security entities were held responsible for (3) other incidents.
Finally, the eleventh report also addressed the incidents of drone strikes, stating that the Commission was able to monitor and investigate (4) incidents of alleged violations related to US drones targeting civilians. These incidents were documented and information was collected by the Commission, which conducted investigations into them. The statistics indicate that there were (7) casualties, all of whom were civilians.

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