NCIAVHR Releases the 10th Periodic Report and Announces the Documentation of 3,609 Violations

NCIAVHR Releases the 10th Periodic Report and Announces the Documentation of 3,609 Violations

Monday, August 29, 2022

The National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations to Human Rights (NCIAVHR) announced the completion of the monitoring and documenting of (3,609) incidents of violations suffered by victims by all parties, without exception, in all Yemeni governorates during the period from July 1, 2021 to July 31, 2022.

In a press conference held this morning in the interim capital, Aden, to launch its tenth report, the Commission said that the total number of victims who fell as a result of these violations amounted to (5,151) victims.

The National Commission explained that its field teams, during the monitoring, documentation and investigation processes, listened to (9,897) witnesses, whistleblowers and victims, examined (9,379) documents, and reviewed hundreds of photos and videos.

In the press conference, the Commission reviewed (30) types of violations addressed in this report. The Commission also confirmed the application of various mechanisms to ensure the quality of the investigations that aim to verifying the facts and identifying accountable parties under the national and international laws applied to each incident, In order to ensure that the perpetrators are held accountable and the victims received redress.

The Commission indicated that during the period covered by the 10th report, the Commission field researchers carried out many investigation activities, most notably the field visits to the governorates and regions that witness the incidents of human rights violations. Such visits were to the areas of Karsh and Al -Sharijah in the Qubaita district of Lahj governorate, the district of Muqbana in Taiz governorate, the districts of Shabwa, Harib in Marib governorate, and the districts of Hayes and Al-Jarhi in Al -Hodeidah governorate.

The Commission teams also carried out dozens of field visits to prisons and central detention centers in the governorates of Aden, Lahj, Taiz, Shabwa and Marib, and other visits to the criminal investigation departments in the governorates and the police departments in the districts.

The tenth report documented the monitoring and investigation of (905) killing and injuries for civilians, in which (1,293) victims were killed, the total civilian dead reached (432), including (72) children and (32) women, while the total wounded reached (861) civilian wounded, including (194) children and (105) women.

The report demonstrated the Houthi group’s accountability for (240) killings and (655) injuries, while (151) people were killed and (134) wounded by the airstrikes of the Arab coalition aircraft and governmental combat actions.

The report said that (235) incidents of killing and (714) incidents of injury attributed to the Houthi group, while (151) killings and (123) injuries were caused by the airstrikes of the Arab coalition aircraft and governmental combat actions, while all parties bear joint responsibility of (14) dead and (17) wounded.

The periodic report monitored (171) cases of planning anti-personnel mines, killing (62) individuals, including (8) children and (2) women, in addition to the injury of (176) individuals, including (39) children and (6) women, confirming that the Houthi group is alone in committing this type of violation.

The Commission in its report also monitored (114) incidents of alleged children’s recruitment, (106) incidents of which were committed by the Houthi group, while (8) incidents were committed by the government and the affiliated parties.

The Commission documented (21) incidents of alleged assaults and destruction of cultural, historical and religious objects, (20) of which were proven to be committed by the Houthi group, and (1) incident committed by the government National Army forces.

The Commission indicated that during the period covered by the report, it managed to monitor, document and investigate (17) allegations of targeting medical objects, (13) incidents of which were attributed to the Houthi group, and (4) allegations were committed by the National Army forces of the legitimate government.

The results of the investigations of international human rights law showed (97) incidents of alleged extrajudicial killing, (42) incidents of which were proven to be committed by the Houthi group, and (23) incidents were proven to be committed by the army forces and the security authorities of the government.

Investigations also showed the monitoring and documentation of (859) incidents of alleged arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearance, the Houthi group was held accountable for (665) incidents, and (166) incidents were the responsibility of government forces and its security agencies.

The new report of the Commission revealed that it monitored (25) incidents of alleged torture and inhuman and degrading treatment. The Houthi group was responsible of (20) incidents, while the army forces and the government’s security agencies were proven to commit (5) incidents.

The report monitored (36) incidents of allegation to detonate homes solely by the Houthi group.
The tenth report recorded the completion of the investigation into (18) incidents of assaults on freedom to opinion and expression, (13) incidents of which proven to be committed by the Houthi group, while (5) incidents were committed by the army forces and the security authorities of the government.

The Commission’s teams also documented (3) incidents of violations by the USA drones killing (8) civilians, including (1) child and (2) women.

The report made general recommendations to all parties to the conflict, and directed a number of special recommendations for both the Houthi group, the leadership of the Arab coalition, the Yemeni government and the international community.

From 2016 to late July 2022, the Commission released ten periodic reports on its activities in monitoring, documenting and investigating the allegations of human rights violations in all Yemeni governorates committed by all parties to the conflict.

To Download the Report in English: