NCIAVHR Receives the Dutch Deputy Ambassador and the Political Attaché in Aden

NCIAVHR Receives the Dutch Deputy Ambassador and the Political Attaché in Aden

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

On Tuesday, the Chairman and members of the National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights (NCIAVHR) received the Dutch Deputy Ambassador to Yemen, Mariek Wierda, and the Political Counselor at the Dutch embassy, Tessa Scholma, in the Commission’s office in the interim capital, Aden.

In the meeting, the Commission’s Chairman, Judge Ahmed Al-Maflahi, talked about the Commission’s recent steps in the field of accountability for human rights violations, intensifying investigation work in all regions and governorates, and reflecting those outcomes on future opportunities to apply transitional justice mechanisms that ensure justice for victims and non-recurrence of violations.

For her part, the Dutch Deputy Ambassador addressed the aspects of support provided in the field of development and human rights in Yemen, and the embassy’s interest to continue supporting the Commission in aspects that contribute to conducting documentation, investigation, and access to victims, especially in light of the great development in the performance of its fieldwork.

In this meeting, which is the third between the Commission and the Dutch Mission to Yemen during the current year 2023, forms of recent violations that affected women in Yemen and the restriction of their freedoms were also discussed, and the various forms of discrimination faced by the Baha’is.