NCIAVHR Launches Field Visit to the West Coast Districts in Taiz and Hodeida Governorates

NCIAVHR Launches Field Visit to the West Coast Districts in Taiz and Hodeida Governorates

Dhubab – Taiz,
Saturday, June 17, 2023

On Saturday, members of the National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights (NCIAVHR) launched their field visit to the western coast districts of the governorates of Taiz and Hodeida to investigate a number of incidents of human rights violations.

On the first days of the field visit, the members of the Commission listened to a number of victims of violations in the villages of Al-Jahili, Al-Abdali, Al-Haidiriya, Al-Rawa, Al-Kahraba, Hawzan, and a new center in Dhu Bab districts in the southwest of Taiz governorate.

These villages and areas located in the coastal district are of great importance to the Commission as they have witnessed and are still witnessing the fall of many anti-personnel mine victims.

In the same context, the team, during this field visit to the region, was briefed on the humanitarian situation of the residents of the district and examined the effects of the destruction that affected the schools of Anbar, Al-Jahili, Al-Hikma, and the government complex.